Monday, September 17, 2018

Love boat serie II

Featuring Steve smith and Becky Arangino
They go further in the visit of the cabin
 3-Time to eat something fat low...
4-The inner beauty of the soft and thick carpet
More to come... stay tuned


  1. a suggestion, creates an image where Stan Smith removes Becky's clothes before eating it.

    and creates another image where Stan Smith admires Becky's naked body before eating it.

    your images are the best, thank you very much

  2. Stan is doing something dirty with somebody but it is not becky ( wip ) stay tuned it's coming soon

    1. I did not say that Stan Smith does something dirty with Becky.
      What I say is that the Smith family before resorting to cannibalism with Becky's body, the Smith family first naked the Becky corpse as we can see at minute 0.22 of this video:
      I suggest, the creation of an image where the Smith family removes the clothes to Becky's body before resorting to cannibalism with him.
      I also suggest, creating an image where Becky's body is cooking, maybe hanging on top of the campfire.
      Something similar to this image, of course in a cave and with a fire below her:
      Of course this is just a simple suggestion from a reader.
      Forgive me for my bad English is that, I do not speak English, I use a translator.
